Holding onto Virginity!!!
Were you afraid and excited at the same time? How much did you think of life after losing your virginity?
I bet you thought about your performance, you were probably not sure what to do and what not to. To some, the thought of the feeling not measuring up to your expectations and hype you have heard over the years was numbing. Well, courage, lust, encouragement from whoever you were losing your virginity made it possible. Years later, when you look back there is possibility you are glad you managed to get it over with.
Our metaphorical virginities are just as hard to get rid of as literal ones. Millions of us are stuck in the known place, we are stuck in our comfort zones. We hold onto these virginities in fear of the unknown, pain and suffering we may have to endure along the way.
Our fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of our sacrifices to the new adventures not matching up to the results we’ll get is the willing prison where most of people’s dreams rest. Being the control freaks most of the human race is, taking a leap has never been easy. Our love for certainty has kept us from trying new things and getting into new adventures. Stifled with fear, we remain on shore never to dive into the water and swim. We give value to these metaphorical virginities just as much as we value literal virginity.
Hell, I’ll just go ahead and say it; VIRGINITY IS OVERRATED and this applies to almost everything that we are holding onto so tightly. Comfort, security, our infatuation with appearing perfect, fear of making a fool out of ourselves. Our fears keeps us from experiencing life full circle, just like holding onto your virginity kept you away from all the fun you are now probably having. Look at you, recalling your crazy experiences, smiling and thankful you overcame the attachment you had with your virginity.😂😂
Stop holding onto your virginity, let go and experience life, with it’s pains and uncertainties, trust me it will be worth it.
See you at the top.